11月共进行了8场托福线下考试,分别是2日、5日、12日、16日、19日 (上午场&下午场)、20日和27日。本月阅读单项目前共收集到45篇阅读文章,我们来看下这个月的考察具体情况吧~
从文章题材方面上看,45篇文章主要的分布为生物类文章14篇, 历史类文章12篇, 考古类文章7篇, 地理地质类文章6篇,经济类1篇,社会类文章1篇,艺术类文章3篇,天文类文章 1篇,按照大类来分,其中人文科学类文章占53.3%, 生命科学类文章各占 31.1%,以及自然科学类文章占15.5% (其中具体文章题材的分布请看图1和图2)
从考察内容上来看,这个月同样出现了非常多的旧题,例如11月5日考到的Dinosaurs and Parental Care一直是我们老生常谈的话题啦!这篇文章也出现在我们新航道出版的《新托福阅读真经5》里面哦,做过的学生可以说是非常幸运了!所以冲刺刷题阶段的同学们也可以刷一下这本书哦;11月20日考到的地球生命的起源,也分别出现在4月9日和4月23日的内容,重复了21.8.21和21.7.10的内容;总之,对于真题的练习不容忽视,可以参考学校发的机经题库哦~
另外,随着考试难度的提升,文章篇幅也一如既往的比较大,所以要求我们在有限的时间里提取主次的能力要非常强,首先是句子主次,也就是我们长难句分析中,能不能迅速拎出最核心的意思,这部分有问题的同学建议大家踏踏实实练习精读,来提升基本理解能力;其次就是段落主次,很多学生为了做题而做题,从而忽视段落主旨,这样往往会导致很多题目找不到答案,对文章的理解也云里雾里不知所措; 最后就是篇章主次,每段话的主旨没问题之后,要对文章脉络也要有个清晰的把握,这样最后的小结题才能迎刃而解~
1. suspend = thought it likely
2. function = purpose
3. progressively = increasingly
4. subsequent = later
5. chaotic = disorganized
6. vigorously = energetically
7. exclusively = only
8. regardless = no matter
9. distinct = clear
10. verge = edge
11. innovative = new
12. investigating = examine
13. integrating = combining
14. ideally = perfectly
15. couple with = added to
16. prosperous = wealthy
本月共计8场TOEFL线下考试,分别为11月2日、5日、12日 16日、19日(上午场&下午场)、20日及27日。接下来,让我们一起来了解一下本月托福写作的考情~
● 题目
● 考情分析
● 题目
Some schools require that during each school year children attend school for nine months and then have a three-month break (a period of three months in which they do not attend school). Other schools require that children attend school for three months at a time and then have a break of one month between each of the three-month periods. Which schedule do you think is better for children's education, and why?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.
A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (aged 14-18) improve their teaching. Which of the following two plans do you think is better?
A. choose a small group of excellent teachers: these teachers will attend a class led by an expert who trains them in how to teach effectively, and they will then go back to their own schools and train other teachers the same thing;
B. provide training courses on how to teach effectively online so that every teacher can study the same material at the same time.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to travel to different countries when you are younger than when you are older.
In some nations, students do not pay any tuition to attend universities. However, in other nations, students must pay to attend universities, and the cost of university tuition can be high. Do you believe that all nations should use taxes to fully fund universities so that students can study for free?
Many schools for young children (ages 5-11) require students to work together in small groups instead of working alone for many of their learning activities. Do you agree or disagree that this is the best way to teach young children? Why?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most parents sometimes find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their children. It’s not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval or disagreement to the teachers.
Imagine that people in your community have been asked to decide how to spend public money over the next year. One option for spending the money is to modernize and expand a public library. The other option is to renovate a bus station and increase the number of bus lines that connect the community with other areas. Which of the two options would you support and why?
● 考情分析
Some schools require that during each school year children attend school for nine months and then have a three-month break (a period of three months in which they do not attend school). Other schools require that children attend school for three months at a time and then have a break of one month between each of the three-month periods. Which schedule do you think is better for children's education, and why?
Opinion: prefer the latter
Ø a short semester helps children to keep their study motivation
Ø a short break helps children to regain a positive state of study quickly
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to travel to different countries when you are younger than when you are older.
Opinion: it is better to travel to different countries when we are younger
Ø traveling experience may benefit younger people more in their study or career
Ø younger people with better physical and mental condition can explore more
In some nations, students do not pay any tuition to attend universities. However, in other nations, students must pay to attend universities, and the cost of university tuition can be high. Do you believe that all nations should use taxes to fully fund universities so that students can study for free?
Opinion: it is necessary for all nations to use taxes to fully fund universities.
Ø such a policy contributes to educational equality
Ø free tertiary education can help students improve their academic performance